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❓When, Why, and How to Stretch Out Your Leather Shoes without a stretcher

by Lisa Oberst 27 Oct 2024

Woman wearing caramel leather oxfords walking down a Miami Harbour with blue jeans and brown blouse

Sometimes, buying new shoes is like buying new jeans—finding a pair with that perfect fit is hard. Maybe you find a beautiful pair of leather shoes, but they’re just a smidge too small.

If that’s the case for you, don’t worry.

With high-quality materials like leather you can add a little stretch to your shoe to help mold it to your foot, even if you don’t have a stretcher. I have a few tips and tricks to help you create the perfect fit for your favorite shoes.

Why you may need to stretch your leather shoes

There is nothing worse than the uncomfortable feeling of your ankles rubbing against the backs of your shoes. You can practically feel the scabs and blisters starting to form. There are ways to avoid this, actually a few different ways, check out my latest article for all my tips and tricks

If you know bunions all too well, stretching out your shoes will create more room in the toe box which will help reduce irritation and make your fit much more comfortable. 

Many of us, myself included, hold a lot of tension in our feet, and we don't need the added pressure of a tight squeeze.  

We are constantly on our feet, so finding a shoe that fits all the right spots is essential. Otherwise, you may start to feel pain not only in your feet but also in your knees and hips.

Full disclaimer there are no miracles in this article; I can’t make shoes grow three times bigger. If your shoes are far too tight, I recommend getting a new pair. If you happen to need a new pair of Oxfords, you’re in luck! I just launched the Womads leather Oxfords.

Before You Start

The last thing I would want is for you to damage a quality pair of shoes. 

The conditioner will moisturize the leather, making it more flexible and easier to work. My Womads conditioner is the perfect tool to prep the leather. If your leather is not hydrated you risk breaking it so always start with a good quality leather conditioner!

Womads bag to left. Leather care cream bottle up right with cloth to the right.

7 Ways to Stretch Your Leather Shoes

There is no one method that fits all, so you might need to try a few combinations or try one method a few times. Stretching leather properly is not a quick task, take your time with it and you’ll be much happier with the results.

Quick note: if you own a pair of our metallic Womads, I love your taste, but also avoid applying any chemical product or heat to them. They are more delicate and you might damage the foil layer that creates that perfect metallic color. At the very least, do a patch test! 

1. Suppress a cough and stretch your leather shoes

Vicks Vapo rub, dark blue container, light blue lid in front of white background.

Vicks Vapo Rub can do more than just suppress a cough, you can use it to stretch out your leather shoes. I got this trick from my leather shoe designer Jessica. She suggests applying Vicks to the outside of the shoe and on the inside lining (only do the lining if you're worried about staining the outside). Let it sit on the leather to soften and then place your shoes in the freezer overnight. The next day you should be able to flex and "knead" the shoes to warm up the leather and wear them for a few hours molding the shoes to your feet!

2. Breaking in leather shoes? Try molding them with heat

When heat is applied to leather it helps open up the leather’s pores, making it easier to stretch. Think about it in terms of your skin, when we open up our pores our skin feels refreshed, like there is more bounce.  

For this method you want to start by wearing a thick pair of socks and then putting on the shoes you want to stretch. Use the highest heat setting on your blow dryer to blast your shoes, give your shoes a full sauna treatment here and focus on the spots you want to stretch out. 

This should help open up the leather and give it a bit more stretch to mold to your feet. You may have to do this a few times for the perfect fit. 

If you’re looking for quality leather shoes that stretch and mold to your feet you want to pick a pair of leather shoes that have natural flexibility. I’ve designed Womads Oxfords and Peep Toes with high quality Colombian leather, so they easily adapt to the shape of your foot.

Close up of women standing on stone wearing Fuschia leather Womads peep toe sandals.

3. Use frozen water bags overnight

My next tip involves using frozen water bags. I know it sounds strange, but it can help slightly stretch your leather shoes.

Here’s how:

  1. Fill sealable plastic bags with water and make sure they’re tightly sealed. 
  2. Place the bags inside the shoes. Focus them on the areas you want to stretch and be sure to pack them in there nice and tight.
  3. Put the shoes in the freezer overnight.
  4. Remove the shoes from the freezer and let them sit at room temperature for a bit before taking the bags out.
  5. Try on the shoe! If it hasn’t stretched enough, repeat the process, but be careful not to overdo it; too much stretching can damage the leather.

4. Shoe stretch spray with sock balls

A shoe stretch spray is another great way to add some extra room to your leather shoes. You can find these sprays on Amazon or at your local shoe repair shop. 

To use, spray the exterior of the shoes. You should also spray the lining of the shoes for extra stretch, and you can stick to only spraying the lining if you're afraid of damaging the outside layer of leather. Next roll a few pairs of socks into small balls and stuff them into your shoes as tightly as possible. Leave the shoes overnight to allow them to slowly stretch. 

Sometimes it works well on the first try; other times, you may need to repeat the process. You can also apply heat here to speed up the process, but remember: slow and steady wins the race. Take your time when stretching leather to avoid permanent damage. 

5. Peace of mind: Send it to an expert

If you’re worried about ruining an expensive pair of shoes or simply don’t want to do it yourself, any shoe repair shop should be able to help you out. 

Sending it to an expert will always be the safest bet and can give you that piece of mind. 

6. Get comfy with them

You can also stretch out your leather shoes by simply wearing them for a period of time. Putting on a pair of thick socks and walking around your house can help stretch out shoes that are just a tad too tight. 

First apply some leather conditioner to create more flexibility in the leather and put the shoes on with a thick pair of socks and get comfy. 

You don’t need to walk around or run in them, the leather will stretch to mold to your foot shape with the thick socks. That way when you wear them with a normal pair it will be a much more comfortable fit. 

7. Bring the outside to your shoes

Pile of black polished river stones

For my final tip, you’ll need a bag of polished river stones. You don't have to go out looking for these; you can get them from your local Home Depot or Amazon. 

These pebbles are great because they have a smooth finish that won’t pierce the leather. First, apply leather softener to give the shoe some flexibility, then place an empty bag inside the shoe and fill it with polished pebbles. 

Pack them in tight and let it sit overnight! 

You may have to repeat this process a few times for the right fit.

Take care of your feet and your feet will take care of you 

Stretching out leather shoes is not an impossible task, it can be done and the leather will still look as perfect as when you bought it but only if you do it right and take your time with it. 

The perfect fit is something to take into account. When our feet hurt, just walking to grab some water turns into a chore. 

For more tips and tricks on all things leather shoes be sure to follow us on Instagram and sign up for our newsletter in the footer!


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